Vertosa Blog

Celebrating 4/20 with a Purpose: Breaking Down Stereotypes and Promoting Responsible Cannabis Consumption

Written by Ben Larson | 7/2/24 11:20 PM

This post originally appeared on Ben's LinkedIn Newsletter, Infused Insights. You can read and leave comments here.


As the CEO of a cannabis company and an outspoken member of the cannabis community, celebrating 4/20 for me takes a bit of a different form than one might expect -- though there will be some of that as well because there's nothing wrong with enjoying the fruits of our labor. I'm spending the majority of today meeting with the Vertosa leadership team to reflect on how we're showing up as leaders both inside and out of the company -- and I'm not just talking about making vanity lists like Forbes' The Cannabis 42.0 for the second year in a row (shameless celebratory plug).

I also spent a good portion of my morning sitting with my own thoughts and exploring how I've been showing-up as a family member and friend, and as a role model to my children. As a loud and proud representative of the cannabis community, I feel an immense amount of responsibility to do be aware of these things and doing my part in continually changing society's perspective of what it means to be associated with the plant.

The stigma that surrounds the cannabis industry is still significant. For too long, cannabis has been unfairly demonized and associated with negative stereotypes. This is why it is crucial that we, as cannabis industry leaders, do our part to change perceptions and show that we can be great role models and that our businesses deserve to be treated as any other business.

Happy 4/20 from the Larsons!

At Vertosa, we are committed to promoting responsible cannabis consumption and breaking down the negative stereotypes associated with cannabis. We believe that cannabis can be used for medicinal and recreational purposes in a safe and effective manner. By being a part of this emerging industry, we seek to continually educate the public about the benefits of cannabis and infuse trust into the cannabis supply chain.

So today, as we celebrate 4/20, let us do so with pride and with a commitment to continually educate and change perceptions about cannabis. I am personally committed to showing that it is possible to be a successful business leader while also promoting responsible cannabis consumption and breaking down the negative stereotypes associated with cannabis. Let us be loud and proud and show the world that we are great role models are building towards a better future. Together, we are breaking down the stigma and making cannabis a more widely accepted and beneficial part of our lives.

Cheers! -B.