It’s no secret that cannabis conferences have a reputation for partying hard, but don’t forget to take advantage of all the opportunities to network and grow your business.
In the weeks leading up to a conference, determine the people and organizations that would be most advantageous to your business and reach out to schedule some time to meet during the event. Need an introduction to a co-packer? At Vertosa, we’ve connected many brands to manufacturers, so it’s likely someone in your network can help.
A recent study leveraged LinkedIn to examine 20+ million people over a five year period, finally proving Mark Granovetter’s cornerstone theory of social science: the strength of weak ties. Friends of friends are more likely to provide new opportunities, so don’t forget to make time for your acquaintances between catching up with long-time pals.
It can be easy to get lost in the crowd at large networking events. Look for more intimate off-site parties and gatherings hosted by attending businesses, orgs, and industry personalities where you can make more meaningful connections in a more targeted space.
Thursday, November 30th, 9:30 AM PT in Las Vegas (on The Strip)
Join the High Spirits podcast crew and some of our favorite people in cannabis before MJBizCon at our Morning Mixer. We’ll snack on a few munchies to cure the morning haze, and most importantly, there will be COFFEE!
Click here to request an invite