Science for product makers: understanding D8, D9, and D10 THC
This post is also published as an article on Harold's LinkedIn profile. You can read and leave...
Science for product makers: What happens to emulsifiers after consuming cannabis emulsion?
This post is also published as an article on Harold's LinkedIn profile. You can read and leave...
Science for product makers: Why cannabis nanoemulsion offers quick onset
This post is also published as an article on Harold's LinkedIn profile. You can read and leave...
Döhler Ventures Invests in Vertosa – A Strategic Partnership to Develop Innovative Life Science Beverages
Döhler,aglobalproviderofnaturalingredients,ingredient systemsandintegratedsolutions,andVertosa,the...
How to make the most of a cannabis business conference: 3 tips for working hard while playing hard
It’s no secret that cannabis conferences have a reputation for partying hard, but don’t forget to...
Forbes: Why President Biden Needs Weed In 2024
Last month, Ben sat down with Forbes writer Will Yakowicz to discuss politics and cannabis as next...
Cannabis Policy Roundup: 3 major reform policies you should be tracking
This past September, this Californian once again donned a suit and tie and braved the DC heat and...
Beyond Beer: advice on diversifying and breaking into cannabis beverage
With overall US beer sales down 3%and the “legalization” of hemp-derived THC, many brewers have...
The Inside Scoop: Midwest Manufacturing
We sat down with our partners Highway Horticulture in Michigan, Contract Canna in Illinois, and ...